About me

A few words about me

Hur has over 20 years of experience in development evaluation, organisational systems development and in designing and conducting evaluations, especially in situations of conflict and fragility. He has held a number of leadership positions during his career, as Board of Director and Treasurer at the International Evaluation Academy (2021 till now), and at the International Development Evaluation Association (2015 to 2021). He is the founder of President of Pakistan Evaluation Association and the Vice President at the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (2017 to 2019). Currently he is engaged in providing development evaluation advisory support to the European Union Delegations around the world and to the European Commission, DG INTPA’s units in Brussels, Belgium (since 2019).

Hur has authored several internationally peer reviewed publications, including a book as lead author: Evaluation in Contexts of Fragility, Conflict and Violence (2021) which presents an interesting argument that “evaluation” – like development aid itself – can unintentionally exacerbate tensions in ways that can negatively affect people and institutions if care is not taken in designing and approaching it with caution and sensitivity.

He is an expert in (quasi) experimental designs, participatory and theory-based evaluation approaches and has developed innovative tools that have been used and presented internationally. He worked in a wide variety of thematic areas including but not limited to governance, climate change, political economy, renewable energy, gender equality, women economic empowerment, agriculture, education, and protection. Hur has contributed significantly to developing evaluation capacity at the corporate and country levels directly involving senior Public Stakeholders. He has lived and worked in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa and has designed, commissioned, and conducted evaluations for projects funded by UN agencies, the European Commission, private donors and governments of the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Norway

A strong believer of "rerum cognoscere causas", Latin of 'to understand the causes of things'

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